Need Management Approval?

Know you want to join us but need a little help getting budget sign-off? Don’t worry, we’ve done the hard work for you, use our customizable outline to accelerate your approval process.

1. Get Acquainted

Check out the Learning 2025 website to start identifying how the experience will support both your own development and higher-level organizational goals.

Here are a few talking points:

  • Learning 2025 will highlight learning strategies tailored to help our organization grow.
  • Learning 2025 will give me the opportunity to perfect my leadership skills and gain industry knowledge.
  • Through 100+ learning sessions, Learning 2025 will provide our business with useful tools and tactics, while helping me achieve personal goals.

To ensure your plan for success is sound, don’t forget to create a map that supports your short and long-term development goals. 

2. Create your Plan

What will your conference experience look like?

What sessions will you attend?

What can your employer expect to pay for you to attend the conference?

By crafting a plan ahead of time, you and your boss should know how attending will benefit you and your organization.

Then create a formal request letter to bring everything together in a request that is sure to have your boss saying approved!

If you need help getting started, download this template for some inspiration and edit it to fit your unique plan.

3. Identify your Reasoning

The most important tool in your arsenal is your own purpose and growth. What are the top reasons you need to attend Learning 2025?

Here are some ideas:

  • I will gain access to industry experts who will introduce strategies and tools that are currently working in learning.
  • I will develop numerous new skills that will provide the opportunity for me to flourish within my day-to-day tasks.
  • I will discover new tools and technologies from industry suppliers that will broaden my knowledge.
  • I can take advantage of a curated agenda that covers the topics of instructional design, eLearning development, and L&D leadership, ensuring that I am staying current.